
Chicago University of Hypnosis and Psychology 


Online Course

Course: Professional Hypnosis. Regression Therapy. Classical and Ericksonian hypnosis

Профессиональный Гипнолог. Регрессолог.

This course is designed to produce confident and competent hypnosis professionals.

This is a high quality, professional accelerated hypnosis certification producing some of the best and most qualified hypnosis professionals in the field.

At this course, hypnosis training is conducted in a comprehensive applied practical format and currently has no analogues in the world.

You will gain comprehensive knowledge, skills, and personal experience in regression based on the American University.

You can choose to take the basic level or complete the entire professional course.

We will tailor the program individually for you based on your needs.

Everything you will study, explore on yourself, and practice during the training, you will be able to apply in your work!

What will you study in the course?"

1.5 - 6 or 18 months of practice
12-48 or 72 lessons, each lesson consists of:
a portfolio of effective tools for working with...
practice under the supervision of a supervisor

Who is this course for?

  • Physicians, practicing and aspiring psychologists, counseling psychologists, specialists in the field of psychology and psychotherapy, life coaches, and health trainers; psychology students in universities, anyone interested in hypnosis and wants to use it in their work and life.

This course is for those who:

  • Want to undergo thorough year-long training, not just a monthly course!
  • Want to deeply address their own requests!
  • Are willing to invest their time in in-depth, rather than superficial, study of the program!
  • Want to integrate techniques into their practice immediately and start using them!


1 Level

Dates: July 8, 2024 → August 10, 2024

Days: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

Time: 6 pm to 8 pm (Central US time)

Language: Ukrainian

Weekly study: ONLINE training, plus home and group study/practice, up to 3 hours of additional study to complete (videos to watch and self-reflection)

Dates: July 29, 2024 → September 6, 2024

Days: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

Time: 6 pm to 8 pm (Central US time)

Language: English

Weekly study: ONLINE training, plus home and group study/practice, up to 3 hours of additional study to complete (videos to watch and self-reflection)

Dates: August 5, 2024 → September 13, 2024

Days: Mondays, Thursdays & Fridays

Time: 11am to 1pm (Central US time)

Language: English

Weekly study: ONLINE training, plus home and group study/practice, up to 3 hours of additional study to complete (videos to watch and self-reflection)

Dates: August 19, 2024 → September 27, 2024

Days: Mondays, Wednesdays & Friday

Time: 8am to 10am (Central US time)

Language: Russian

Weekly study: ONLINE training, plus home and group study/practice, up to 3 hours of additional study to complete (videos to watch and self-reflection)

Dates: August 19 to September 27 2024

Days: Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursday

Time: 6pm to 8pm (Central US time)

Language: Russian

Weekly study: ONLINE training, plus home and group study/practice, up to 3 hours of additional study to complete (videos to watch and self-reflection)

Dates: September 2, 2024 → October 11, 2024

Days:  Monday, Wednesday & Friday

Time: 12pm to 2pm (Central US time)

Language: Russian

Weekly study: ONLINE training, plus home and group study/practice, up to 3 hours of additional study to complete (videos to watch and self-reflection)

Dates: September 30, 2024 → October 11 , 2024

Days: Mondays, Wednesday & Fridays

Time: 6 pm to 8pm (Central US time)

Language: Russian

Weekly study: ONLINE training, plus home and group study/practice, up to 3 hours of additional study to complete (videos to watch and self-reflection)

Dates: September 16th → October 25 2024

Days: Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays

Time: 8am to 10am (Central US time)

Language: English

Weekly study: ONLINE training, plus home and group study/practice, up to 3 hours of additional study to complete (videos to watch and self-reflection)

Course program "Professional Hypnotist. Regression Therapy Classical and Ericksonian hypnosis"

Level 1 - 1.5 months of training

12 hours of practice out of 36 hours of training

24 hours of lectures with demonstrations of techniques.

  • Workshop / 2 hours. Introduction to the training course. Basics of hypnosis. How to test client’s hypnotizability. Demo session.
  • Workshop / 2 hours. How to conduct the first preparatory session with a client. How to perform diagnostics. Demo session.
  • Practical session / 2 hours. Practice in pairs under the supervision of a supervisor.
  • Workshop / 2 hours. Technique of complete diagnostics. Goal setting for hypnotherapy. Demo session.
  • Workshop / 2 hours. How to prevent retraumatization. Demonstration.
  • Practical session / 2 hours. Practice in pairs under the supervision of a supervisor.
  • Workshop / 2 hours. What is a case. Technique of working with a client’s problem. Demonstration.
  • Workshop / 2 hours. Technique of “Mind Unloading” for the client. Demonstration.
  • Practical session / 2 hours. Practice in pairs under the supervision of a supervisor.
  • Workshop / 2 hours. Stages of hypnosis. How to determine when working offline and online.
  • Workshop / 2 hours. Techniques for deepening hypnosis. Fractionation. Demonstration.
  • Practical session / 2 hours. Practice in pairs under the supervision of a supervisor.
  • Workshop / 2 hours. “Timeline” technique for working with client’s request. Demonstration.
  • Workshop / 2 hours. Technique of “Overlaying Systems in Regression”. Hypermnesia.
  • Practical session / 2 hours. Practice in pairs under the supervision of a supervisor.
  • Workshop / 2 hours. Technique of working with client’s suggestions, beliefs, and self-suggestions. Demonstration.
  • Workshop / 2 hours. Compiling a client’s genogram. Metaphor method in hypnosis. Demonstration.
  • Practical session / 2 hours. Practice in pairs under the supervision of a supervisor. Amnesia.

Results after Module 1

Learn how to induce clients into hypnosis. Master basic techniques for client diagnostics. Learn how to work with hypnosis online. Acquire skills for deepening hypnosis. Learn how to determine stages of immersion in hypnosis. Practice and master basic hypnotherapy techniques. Learn how to quickly identify and remove client’s obstacles and beliefs that hinder their progress towards their goals.

Level 2 - 5 months of training

12 hours of practice out of 36 hours of training

24 hours of lectures with demonstrations of techniques.

  1. Workshop / 2 hours. What is Trauma. Technique of working with trauma by the method of regressive hypnosis.
    Practical session / 2 hours. Practice in pairs under the supervision of a supervisor.
    Workshop / 2 hours. Technique of “Transformation of trauma through in regression” Demosession
    Workshop / 2 hours. Dolores Cannon Trauma Technique. Demosession.
    Practical session / 2 hours. Practice in pairs under the supervision of a supervisor.
    Workshop / 2 hours. How to improve the efficiency of regression. Demosession.
    Workshop / 2 hours. Rapid Regression Technique. Demosession.
    Practical session / 2 hours. Practice in pairs under the supervision of a supervisor
    Workshop / 2 hours. Technique for dealing with gender-transmitted problems. Demosession
    Workshop / 2 hours. Technique for working through the grievances of the past. Demosession
    Practical session / 2 hours. Practice in pairs under the supervision of a supervisor
    Workshop / 2 hours. Technique of work “Life between Lives” Demosession.
    Workshop / 2 hours. Technique of working out the prenatal period. Demosession.
    Practical session / 2 hours. Practice in pairs under the supervision of a supervisor.
    Workshop / 2 hours. Technique of working with entities. Demosession.
    Workshop / 2 hours. Incident handling technique. Demosession
    Practical session / 2 hours. Practice in pairs under the supervision of a supervisor.
    Workshop / 2 hours. Loss technique. Demosession

    Results after Module 1:

    Learn to apply the method of regressive hypnosis when working with trauma, loss, resentment. Learn how to find and process the cause of a customer’s problem using a quick regression method. Learn a technique for dealing with a client’s stealing habit. Learn to work with suggestions to solve an eating problem. Master the technique for finding a purpose, a mission. Learn to work with generic programs: “the crown of celibacy”, “early deaths by race”, diseases that are transmitted by race.

12 hours of practice out of 36 hours of training

24 hours of lectures with demonstrations of techniques.

  • Workshop / 2 hours. Technique of inducing a client into somnambulism.
  • Practical exercise / 2 hours. Practice in pairs under supervisor’s observation.
  • Workshop / 2 hours. Basic technique of Progression: “Journey to the future”. Demo session.
  • Workshop / 2 hours. Technique of “Progression through dissociation”. Demo session.
  • Practical exercise / 2 hours. Practice in pairs under supervisor’s observation.
  • Workshop / 2 hours. Technique of “Progression for future programming”. Demo session.
  • Workshop / 2 hours. Technique of “Regression through Progression”. Demo session.
  • Practical exercise / 2 hours. Practice in pairs under supervisor’s observation.
  • Workshop / 2 hours. Technique of “Progression for working with fear of death”. Demo session.
  • Workshop / 2 hours. Technique for working with somatic manifestations. Demo session.
  • Practical exercise / 2 hours. Practice in pairs under supervisor’s observation.
  • Workshop / 2 hours. Technique of “Creating temporary progression”. Demo session.
  • Workshop / 2 hours. Technique of “Creating direct progression”. Demo session.
  • Practical exercise / 2 hours. Practice in pairs under supervisor’s observation.
  • Workshop / 2 hours. Technique of working with logoneurosis. Demo session.
  • Workshop / 2 hours. Technique of working with amnesia. Demo session. Practical exercise / 2 hours. Practice in pairs under supervisor’s observation. Amnesia.
  • Workshop / 2 hours. Technique of working with enuresis. Demo session.

Results after Module 2:

Learn how to program the client’s future. Learn how to facilitate the client’s implementation of actions and taking responsibility. Learn how to work with stuttering in clients. Master the technique of working with enuresis. Study the technique of working with fear of death.

12 hours of practice out of 36 hours of training

24 hours of lectures with demonstrations of techniques.

  • Workshop / 2 hours. Technique for working with Panic Attacks. Demo Session.
  • Practical Exercise / 2 hours. Practice in pairs under the supervision of a supervisor.
  • Workshop / 2 hours. Technique for working with Psychosomatics – Part 1. Demo Session.
  • Workshop / 2 hours. Technique for working with Psychosomatics – Part 2. Demo Session.
  • Practical Exercise / 2 hours. Practice in pairs under the supervision of a supervisor.
  • Workshop / 2 hours. Technique for “Working with Parent-Child Relationships”. Demo Session.
  • Workshop / 2 hours. Technique for “Working with Codependent Relationships”. Demo Session.
  • Practical Exercise / 2 hours. Practice in pairs under the supervision of a supervisor.
  • Workshop / 2 hours. Technique for “Coding of Chemical Dependencies”. Demo Session.
  • Workshop / 2 hours. Technique for working with Medication Dependencies. Demo Session.
  • Practical Exercise / 2 hours. Practice in pairs under the supervision of a supervisor.
  • Workshop / 2 hours. Technique for working with Eating Disorders. Demo Session.
  • Workshop / 2 hours. Technique for working with Phobias and Fears. Demo Session.
  • Practical Exercise / 2 hours. Practice in pairs under the supervision of a supervisor.
  • Workshop / 2 hours. Techniques for Rapid Shock and Trauma Neutralization. Demo Session.
  • Workshop / 2 hours. Technique for working with Non-Standard Situations. Demo Session.
  • Practical Exercise / 2 hours. Practice in pairs under the supervision of a supervisor. Amnesia. Workshop / 2 hours. Integration Technique. Demo Session.

Results after Module 3:

You will master techniques for working with complex cases. Deepen your professionalism. Significantly expand your perception and increase the effectiveness of your hypnosis sessions. Learn encoding methods. Master techniques for working with phobias and fears. Study techniques for working with psychosomatic diseases.


Level 3 - 6 months of training

How does the training process work?

After payment, participants gain access to methodological materials and three preliminary video lessons. Further training is conducted through remote classes, and participants can review any lesson recording in their personal account. Initially, we study the basics of hypnosis and the standard model of regression hypnotherapy, and then it makes sense to introduce methods of cognitive hypnoanalysis, gestalt therapy, super-deep stages of hypnosis, including pain management in hypnosis, and so on.

During practical sessions, students are paired up and practice the basic skills and abilities of a hypnologist. In the final modules, techniques that work in achieving super-deep stages of hypnosis are studied. In this sense, the course is unique, as in most similar professional training programs in Europe and the USA, somnambulism is only studied in theory. That is why we have supplemented the program with algorithms for deepening hypnosis, which are suitable for solving the most complex problems. The course is practical and allows each student to learn hypnologist skills online, which makes it much easier to transition to offline work. The course focuses on the peculiarities of both online and offline work. Additionally, if desired, students can hone their skills more quickly through multiple attempts under the supervision of a supervisor.

Upon successfully passing the final exam, participants are issued a certificate of professional development (if they have documents of higher education).

The feature of this course is the analysis of real cases during lectures. The instructors pre-select volunteers who have a pronounced problem that fits the topic of the lecture (such as psychosomatics, anxiety, excess weight, allergies, nervous tics, etc.). Then hypnotherapy is conducted until a clear result is achieved. With the consent of the subjects, the process is recorded on camera, and a part of the recorded material serves as a methodological guide for students to study hypnotization techniques and therapy methods using visual examples.

Although students are provided with a summary with a complete description of hypnosis sessions and hypnoanalysis schemes, they will still need to repeatedly create their own variations of the basic stages of hypnosis. This is done with the aim of automating individual blocks, which ultimately lays the foundation for the future expertise of a hypnologist.


Take our institute’s most popular course  Admission to the program is granted after an interview.


Basic Level of Preparation Duration: 1.5 months Classes: 3 times per week, 2 hours per session

36 hours of training, including:

  • 24 hours of theory
  • 12 hours of practice

Homework assignments

Unlimited access to course events within the module for review

Personal account with video recordings, tests, and materials

6 hypno-sessions under the supervision of a professional hypnologist-supervisor

Free literature downloads from our website

International Certificate

2 group supervisions with professional supervisors for groups of 10 people each

Full support during international accreditation

Preparation for international test

2 hours of personal consultations with a professional hypnologist

Personal tutor throughout the entire course

Practice with real clients and support


Professional level of training. Duration: 5 months.

Classes: 3 times per week, 2 hours each

Total training hours: 108 hours, including 50 hours of practical training

Homework assignments

Unlimited access to course events within the module for review

Personal account with video recordings, tests, and materials

24 hypno-sessions under the supervision of a professional hypnologist-supervisor

Free literature downloads from our website

International Certificate

2 group supervisions with professional supervisors for groups of 10 people each

Full support during international accreditation

Preparation for international test

2 hours of personal consultations with a professional hypnologist

Personal tutor throughout the entire course

Practice with real clients and support


Professional level of training. Duration: 6 months.

Classes: 2 times per week, 2 hours each

Total training hours: 96 hours, including 48 hours of practical training

Homework assignments

Unlimited access to course events within the module for review

Personal account with video recordings, tests, and materials

36 hypno-sessions under the supervision of a professional hypnologist-supervisor

Free literature downloads from our website

International Certificate

4 group supervisions with professional supervisors for groups of 10 people each

Full support during international accreditation

Preparation for international test

2 hours of personal consultations with a professional hypnologist

Personal tutor throughout the entire course

Practice with real clients and support


When purchasing the course…

Certificate "Regression Therapist. Hypnologist"
Methodical materials for each module
Free membership in the CUH&P
Supervision by Yulia Volimerts is included in the course fee
Free access to the electronic library of our institute.

Additional information

Would you like to learn hypnosis online? Chicago Institute offers a variety of courses for mastering this field on your own terms.

Hypnosis training on online courses

Hypnology – is a complex science that cannot be fully understood independently. To immerse oneself in the intricacies of this field, a mentor is necessary to guide the student on the right path. A mentor provides assistance in uncovering the hidden aspects of hypnotherapy. If you wish to gain a closer understanding of this field, attend our free online hypnosis intensive. The training is conducted by qualified psychologist and hypnologist Yulia Volimerets.

During the course of the training, the following topics are covered:

  1. The main techniques and basic concepts of Ericksonian hypnosis.
  2. Methods and techniques for inducing trance in individuals.
  3. Regression techniques.

To enroll in the course, please fill out a simple online form on our website.

The school offers comprehensive training under the vigilant guidance of a curator. Lectures are conducted by qualified specialists, and students study beginner’s books on hypnosis and engage in practical exercises to hone their acquired skills.

Modern techniques of hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is a method of psychotherapy used to treat psychological and physical disorders. It involves inducing an altered state of consciousness in the patient through suggestion or regression techniques.

Some of the modern techniques of hypnotherapy that are distinguished include:

  1. Verbal suggestion
  2. Hypnotizing with gaze
  3. Levitation method
  4. Directive and Ericksonian hypnosis
  5. Elman hypnotherapy
  6. Trans-derivational search

At our institute, you will have the opportunity to thoroughly familiarize yourself with each of the methods. The training programs are developed by top psychologists and hypnologists. The hypnosis course is the first step towards understanding hypnosis, NLP, and the workings of the human brain.

The Chicago Institute offers a wide variety of courses in various fields. In addition to the courses, it is recommended to acquire books on psychology of influence, which reveal the intricacies of influencing human consciousness.

2 thoughts on “Hypnosis Certification”

  1. Larisa Zagainova

    The impression from the curriculum is most positive. It was truly a pleasure to study.
    The material was chosen impeccably, the lectures were short, concise and very informative.
    The time for training is calculated very correctly. The learning process is very intense, but this is what makes it the most productive.
    I believe that my expectations are 100% justified.
    The course really helped me to look at my work more systematically, to see things in my work that I had not noticed before. It’s great that there are so many techniques and they are interchangeable.
    A great opportunity that you can try out in practice is right here, right now with the whole group. And hear worthy criticism of your work and praise.
    Great atmosphere inside the course. An atmosphere of warmth, an atmosphere of mutual assistance – this is very important 🙂
    We received tremendous recharge and a flow of positive energy from the teachers.
    Now I have a very clear idea of how a psychological consultation and the work of a regressologist is structured, what topics people can come with, how to competently structure a consultation so that it does not turn out to be the last, and most importantly, how to help a person.
    I think that now my work will become more interesting, complete and productive. All that remains is not to stop there, continuing to follow your professional path.

  2. Для меня обучение в Чикагском Университете Гипноза и Психологии стало большим раскрытием моего потенциала. Мне есть с чем сравнить! И без преувеличения могу сказать, что Юлия Волимерец очень глубоко знает материал и практикует и онлайн, и офлайн. Всегда на свой вопрос вы получите полный, исчерпывающий, интересный, глубокий ответ!

    Благодарю, всю команду Университета за вклад в мое образование!

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